Saturday, August 18, 2012

Next steps

I read an article about allowing yourself to grieve over your infertility. The part that made me laugh (dark humour) was that infertile couples will often seek out hobbies like gardening, crafts, or exercise to get their minds off their infertility. I have an AMAZING garden full of tomatoes, peppers, and jalapenos this year. I  took up crocheting again after a 20 year hiatus and made an afghan, a sweater, and a touque. And I can run 2.5 miles now!

We met with our doctor at the Heartland Fertility Clinic about a month ago. The results normal again. So the  suspicion is that the embryo can't implant or if it does, it's rejected by my body. His recommendation was for ICSI, intra-cellular sperm injection, along with IVF. It's a more complicated and more expensive procedure than standard IVF, but if the embryo is rejected if it does implant, then we pay $12,000 for a miscarriage? Thanks but no. He tried to convince us to sign up for the procedure but it wasn't much of a sales pitch. "Well, you can. If you want. You can try. I mean, you're both still young and healthy. It might work. It could, you know.... uhh...."
Both of us got the feeling that he was eyeing our Mastercard and figuring out how many payments on his Lexus he could make from us.

We were supposed to register for counselling at the front desk (huh?), but since he'd made us wait an hour past our appointment time and the secretary had left for lunch, we left too and had lunch at Tony Roma's. The only time we go to Tony Roma's is after an appointment and disappointment at Heartland Clinic.

Knowing that pregnancy isn't in our future, we went to an information night at Adoption Options and are scheduled to have a meeting with their staff next month, followed by a 3-day information session in November. Adoption is a very complicated process and there are two "divisions": Division 1 is with provincial Child and Family Services, Division 2 is with Adoption Options. We're going to start a Division 2 file first, and if the process isn't too horrific, we might consider opening a Division 1 file later. Of course, the paperwork for both Divisions can't be shared so  we have to do things (and pay for it) twice. At any rate, the next few months will be spent putting together our file, medical checks, credit reports, background checks, criminal records checks, home visits and a lot of waiting.... waiting...waiting....

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