Saturday, October 17, 2009


days left. What happened to the time? Seriously! It doesn't seem like it's been more than a year since we got engaged!
I picked up my dress on Thursday. It fits perfectly and it's safely in storage right now at a friend's house because if it were here, I'd be wearing it every day!

Brendon's tux should arrive this week. Can wait to see him! I think he's going to look like this...
Only with an dark rust coloured tie and vest. :-)

I'm going for my hair and makeup consultation in a few hours, then to the airport to pick up my sister and her family. They'll spend nearly 20 hours traveling to get here and it looks like the snow has held off long enough for them to enjoy a Canadian autumn. Just hoping in the next week, the snow continues to hold off and we can have some outdoor photos too!

174.25 hours left until we walk down the aisle. Exciting!!!


Unknown said...

I like the tux & baseball hat combo. Would the hat be the male equivalent of a veil?

Sasha said...

I was just going to comment on the baseball cap as well - nice addition! :)

I also have to say that I don't think that there is anything wrong with wearing your dress around the house as long as you don't spill on it! :) I have to say that I have had mine on a couple of times since the wedding...shh...don't tell! :)